¿Puede atribuírsele valor estético a la música popular? Una postura frente a adorno


  • Deborah Singer Universidad Nacional ; Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica




Abstract. This essay is based on the theories of the German musician and critic Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969), who assigned to music a key role as a forming (or deforming) agent of human conscience. From his point of view, “good music” (classical music, for instance) redeems the individual, while “bad music” tends to preserve the existing order alienates humans, depriving them from their critical capacity; jazz, pop music and other music genres fall into this last category and the they are not assigned any aesthetics value. The author analyzes Adorno's position and pleads in favor of popular music. In order to achieve this, she analyzes the aesthetics of music in small towns, folklore, and the origin and impact of modern rhythms such as rap music.

Author Biography

Deborah Singer, Universidad Nacional ; Universidad de Costa Rica

Pianista chilena. Se graduó en la Universidad Católica de Chile y realizó estudios de posgrado en la Academia Superior de Música de Friburgo, Alemania. Ha realizado recitales en Costa Rica, Chile, Alemania, Rusia, Israel y Estados Unidos. Actualmente se desempeña como docente de la Universidad Nacional y la Universidad de Costa Rica.


Adorno T. (2000). Sobre la música. Ediciones Piados. I.C.E. de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Bowman W. (1998). Music as Social and Política! Force. Philosophical

Perspectives on Music (304-52). Oxford University Press.

Camacho D. (1972). La dominación cultural en el subdesarrollo. Editorial Costa Rica, San José Costa Rica.

Fubini E. (1970). La estética musical del siglo XVIII a nuestros días. Barral Editores, S.A. Barcelona.

Horkheimer M., T. Adorno. La industria cultural. Iluminismo como

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Park S. B. (1993). An aesthetics of the Popular Arts. Almqvist & Wiksell International, Uppsala.

Rader M. A Modern Book of Esthetics. An Anthology. Holt, Rinehart and

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How to Cite

¿Puede atribuírsele valor estético a la música popular? Una postura frente a adorno (D. Singer , Trans.). (2004). Revista Electrónica Educare, 7, 143-156. https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.2004-7.8



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

¿Puede atribuírsele valor estético a la música popular? Una postura frente a adorno (D. Singer , Trans.). (2004). Revista Electrónica Educare, 7, 143-156. https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.2004-7.8

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