Crisis en la educación secundaria: ¿reproducir o transformar?
Abstract. The authors depart from the query that Costa Rican High School Education is in the middle of a crisis. In this article they affirm the need to relate this situation with the social context surrounding it. The conclusion is that there is indeed a crisis in high school education and it is expressed by means of rejection, social violence and its imitation inside the classroom, teachers’ indisposition, and the curriculum’s technocratic and fragmentary nature; all of which brings about a lack of sense in education for both students and teachers.
There is also reference to several articles that address this crisis, such as those published by the media, the Ministry of Public Education and other educational institutions. We propose the development of a theoretical framework that will allow for the establishment of a political and pedagogical understanding of the situation now experienced in high school education. Such framework will also prompt all of us who daily work for the education of the youth to give serious thought to the issue and develop an active awareness.
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