El desarrollo de foros estudiantiles como estrategia para fortalecer la enseñanza de la Cívica. La experiencia del Primer Foro Regional de Gobiernos Estudiantiles
forum, students´ government, civics syllabus, ethics, aesthetics, citizenship participationAbstract
With the implementation of the new Civics Syllabi, new expectations are opened so that the civil education is approached in a more integral way. This will let the teachers explore different techniques to develop their students´ citizenship competences, in order for them to join a society where local, national and global participation allow them to take relevant and committed attitudes. The execution of the Regional Students´ Government Forums is an example on how education contributes to create opportunities for leading students, so that they can have spaces to reflect, give their opinions and offer solutions to the problems that society is facing, and that at the same time, in the future they will be assumed by these students when they have their full citizenship.
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