Influence of the “Philosophy for Children” (FpN) Program in the Development of the Communicative Competence of Students in Primary Education
Communicative competence, Philosophy for children, oral and written expression, dialogueAbstract
The objective of this research was to develop the communicative competence of primary school students3 based on the program “Filosofía para Niños” [Philosophy for Children] (FpN). Lipman (1998), Bruzual (2002) and Prado (2004) among other authors served as reference. Research was explanatory, field-based and quasi-experimental. The population consisted of 255 mestizo and Wayuu students. The sample selected consisted of 35 children of the second grade (7, 8 and 9 years old). The instrument applied was a test of dichotomous responses. Reliability was at rkk = 0.855 (Kuder-Richardson). The t-student test was applied as a statistical tool. The book of poems “Odas a tepi`chi” was published as a result of this study. It was concluded that the application of the FpN program was adequate in the development of the communicative competence.
Translator’s note: Primary education in Venezuela comprises from the 1st to 6th grades.
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