Learning Process in Teaching and Bio-pedagogical Knowledge Building
Learning process, bio-pedagogy, systematization, teaching.Abstract
Bio-pedagogy is built on praxis, i.e. the interrelationship between reflection and innovative action where these two merge in the construction of senses to generate knowledge. Then, the following question arises: How is teaching understood? How can practice be renovated from the action-reflection-action in a recurring manner and in life itself? A way to search for those answers is the systematization of experiences –a modality of qualitative research. It promotes the transformation of a common practice, based on knowledge building by holistic approaches to the educational process complexity. The systematization of bio-pedagogical experiences involves self-organization, joy, uncertainty and passion; it respects freedom and autonomy, and generates relational spaces, which promote creative processes in learning.References
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Recuperado de http://redalyc.uaemex.mx/redalyc/pdf/1942/194214466001.pdf
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