Linguistic Competence of Preschool Teachers. An Analysis of Conversational Discourse in Professionals from the Chilean National Board of Early Education (Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles)
Linguistic competences, preschool teachers, conversational discourse, Chilean National Board of Early Education (Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles), language development.Abstract
The linguistic competence of preschool teachers are an ongoing referent in the linguistic development of preschoolers since teachers are models for them, because they constantly use oral communication to work, play, and give instructions. Regarding this premise, this paper is aimed at analyzing the linguistic competence of a group of preschool teachers at the lower transition level. Based on the observation of teachers working at the Chilean National Board of Early Education (Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles) in the western area of the province of Santiago, a study was conducted regarding teachers’ conversational discourse. It is proposed that higher language skills in teachers promote the oral language development of young children.
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