Reflective Practice in the Clinical Learning: Earnings for the Building of the Nursing Thinking
Nursing, nursing education, reflective exercise, nursing studentsAbstract
The objectives of this study were to understand how reflective exercise contributes to building the nursing thinking and which strategies or conditions may influence the reflection exercise in the clinical learning contexts. As part of a qualitative paradigm, those participating in the study were 23 four-year graduate degree students in nursing, who carried out reflective exercises in the clinical learning settings. Data collection was conducted using a semi-structured interview and narrative writing. The corpus was subjected to content analysis, according to Bardin (2011). From the student body perspective, it was found that clinical learning, when reflective exercise is carried out in a systematic way and monitored by the teachers, significantly contributes to building the nursing thinking. The following conditions influencing this process were identified: the student as a person; the strategies found; and the monitoring context. It has been concluded that performing an effective work with the actors involved, students and mentors, the reflective exercise is essential in clinical learning, considering their responsibility in the training process. These results may support other participants, especially in graduate education.
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