The “Licentiate” As an academic degree: A Literature Review in the Costa Rica Context
Computer Sciences, study plans, licentiate degree, Computing science.Abstract
This paper aims to present a literature review made in order to verify the current use of the “licentiate” academic degree. In the scope of this study, there is a debate about the pertinence of continuing to offer such academic degree on topics related to computing. This debate has special relevance in the context of the process of proposing new graduate and postgraduate programs. The literature included in this paper was published from 1981 to the present. The criteria used to analyze bibliographic information focus on aspects going from the general to the specific level, starting with a review of the global situation to continue later to approach the specific context of Costa Rica. In addition, this literature review has an orientation based on the following aspects: practices or applications, an objective to identify main ideas, a perspective to display a position, a representative coverage, and a historical-conceptual organization; and this orientation is targeting a general audience, and specially policymakers. Results shows no presence of the licentiate degree in computing in developed regions like USA and Europe, and a decadence in the relevance of such degrees in Latin America and Costa Rica.References
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