Photography as an Intermediary in an Informal Artistic Education Project that Portrayed the Life of Sahrawi women




Refugee camp, photography, woman, Sahrawi, non formal education


This investigation was carried out in one of the most unwelcoming areas of the Sahara Desert, in the argelian Tindouf Refugee Camps where part of the Sahrawi community lives. A photography workshop was held for the women with the aim of allowing their images show the reality around them and work to reweave the social fabric broken, not voluntarily but under imposition. Recovering the public space, through voices and looks, will let us understand, from the perspective and opinions of the Sahrawi women, their longings and feelings, in order that such visual, verbal and textual narratives generate more successful actions to support reality-aware and solidarity programs. In addition, the international community was sensitized about a reality that is present even if it seems unreal and far away. To understand the discourses of the sahrawi women, gender and subaltern studies were considered, and to visualize their voices and creations we focused on educational research from horizontality offered by the Entre Voces (Between Voices) methodology.

Author Biography

Martha Ileana Landeros-Casillas, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctora en Artes Visuales y Educación(Universidad de Granada), obtuvo el grado doctoral a través de una investigación artística educativa que realizó a lo largo de cuatro años en Gambia, donde trabajó con niñez y mujeres de la comunidad de Lamin. Estudió el Máster en Artes Visuales y Educación. Un enfoque constructivista por la Universidad de Granada. Obtuvo el Máster en Artes Plásticas y Contemporáneas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), donde realizó una investigación artística sobre las Mujeres Desaparecidas de Juárez en la ciudad fronteriza de Ciudad Juárez, México (2005). Obtuvo el grado de Maestría en Comunicación por la Universidad de Guadalajara con un proyecto comparativo sobre el impacto televisivo y el aprendizaje artístico en niños de primaria. Egresada de la carrera de comunicación (Universidad del Valle de Atemajac). Actualmente realiza trabajos investigativos de cooperación internacional en procesos teórico-prácticos horizontales en la Universidad de Guadalajara y el Centro de Arte Audiovisual.


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How to Cite

Photography as an Intermediary in an Informal Artistic Education Project that Portrayed the Life of Sahrawi women (M. I. Landeros-Casillas , Trans.). (2016). Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(2), 1-15.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Photography as an Intermediary in an Informal Artistic Education Project that Portrayed the Life of Sahrawi women (M. I. Landeros-Casillas , Trans.). (2016). Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(2), 1-15.

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