The importance of Introducing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Proposal of Practical Activities




Cooperative learning, higher education, intercultural competence, teaching-learning process.


Teaching a foreign language like English involves teaching aspects, not only related to the target language content, but also the introduction of cultural aspects that help to learn the language embedded in a culture. This article is a contribution that shows how to include cultural aspects in the foreign language classroom in higher education. Different cooperative activities favoring the acquisition of intercultural competence were designed, and a cooperative methodology was chosen to make it easier for students to have an active role and acquire social competences. In addition, a survey was prepared to know the opinion of students on different aspects of intercultural competence. The students participating in the study were enrolled in the English Language V mandatory course, in the third year of the degree in English Studies. The results presented are significant, thanks to the importance students attach to this competence, and to how they appreciate working with it in the proposed activities. It is concluded that it is essential to introduce this competence in the twenty-first century, so that students grow as global citizens and teaching is linked to social demands.


Author Biography

María Martínez-Lirola, Universidad de Alicante

Doctora en Filología Inglesa y profesora titular de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Alicante. Además, es Research Fellow del Departamento de Lingüística y Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad de Sudáfrica (UNISA). Ha dirigido varios proyectos de investigación sobre análisis crítico del discurso e innovación educativa financiados por entidades públicas. Sus principales líneas de investigación son el análisis crítico del discurso, la gramática sistémica funcional y la lingüística aplicada. Ha publicado alrededor de un centenar de textos que incluyen libros, artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales, capítulos de libro, ponencias en congresos, reseñas y trabajos de divulgación, además de haber creado y dirigido el grupo de investigación “Análisis Crítico del Discurso Multimodal”. En el 2010 obtuvo el Premio a la Excelencia Docente de la Generalitat Valenciana. Ha participado en congresos e impartido conferencias y seminarios en España y en decenas de países. Por otro lado, ha llevado a cabo estancias de investigación con el fin de llevar a cabo investigaciones de temática social y de didáctica.


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How to Cite

The importance of Introducing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Proposal of Practical Activities (M. Martínez-Lirola , Trans.). (2018). Revista Electrónica Educare, 22(1), 1-19.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

The importance of Introducing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Proposal of Practical Activities (M. Martínez-Lirola , Trans.). (2018). Revista Electrónica Educare, 22(1), 1-19.

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