Razonamiento lógico-matemático en las escuelas
Based on the results of their licenciatura thesis "Methodological strategy for the development of logical-mathematical reasoning”, presented to the Division of Rural Education, CIDE the authors explain the six phases developed by the German mathematician, Zotan Pier Dienes. They propose an alternative strategy to deepen and accomplish a better achievement in the development of factual thinking.
The reader will find, in the section "EDUCARE in the classroom" that appears in this edition, a methodological proposal, founded in the theoretical postulates presented and discussed in this article.
Abarca, S. (1990). Psicología de la educación. Alajuela: MEP-CIPET.
Artavia, E. (2000). Seminario integrativo de matemática. II Festival.
Dienes. Z. P. (1986). Las seis etapas del aprendizaje en matemática.
Barcelona: Teide.
Ulate, M. (199, Julio 23). Causas del bajo rendimiento académico en
matemática. La Nación p. 20 A.
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