Curricular References for Decision-Making in Higher Education Study Plans
Higher education, study plans, decision making, curricular approaches, interdisciplinary workAbstract
This article aims to offer the curriculum managers of Higher Education institutions the conception of the university curriculum, the curricular references to be considered in the decision-making required for the reflective implementation of the curricula, and the challenges of the Higher Education before the demands of today’s society. Since this is a task involving contributions from the curricular theory and the discipline proper to the object of study that addresses a particular curriculum, the content becomes a tool that promotes, from the theoretical field, the transdisciplinary and dynamic interdisciplinary work; this work can contribute to the adoption of curricular approaches that support the conscious and renewed practice of Higher Education. The study presents the contributions and classification of 22 curricular approaches of specialists such as Eisner and Wallance (1974), Molina (1997), Grundy (1998), Posner (1998) and Sacristán (2010). These specialists organize the knowledge according to different referents, and they are also updated according to new trends; this is because the university curriculum is subject to updating according to the needs of the social contexts in which it operates. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the understanding of each curricular approach provides insights into the new curriculum proposals. These proposals are more related to the challenges posed by society and are necessary to move towards comprehensive professional profiles and real work opportunities. In addition, the study highlights that the new university study plans must contain the vision of the physical, social and socio-affective aspects with high levels of quality, equity, use of technologies, and a clear approach of the disciplines that promote the active participation of students, academics, employers and others advancing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary curricular proposals. The main implication of the research is to provide scholars and researchers with a reference based on criteria of historical and current selection of curricular approaches that can be consulted in future studies on the quality of university professional training.
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