Opinion of Future Primary Education Teachers on the Implementation of Mobile Learning in the Classroom
Mobile learning, mobile devices, primary education, ICTAbstract
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a trend implemented in the educational field. In particular, the universalization in the use of mobile devices has made possible its application in different educational stages. The purpose of this paper has been to know the opinion of the future teachers of Primary Education about the implementation of mobile learning in the classroom. A quantitative design methodology was used to describe the reality observed in a sample of university students of the degree in Primary Education of the University of Granada. Likewise, a questionnaire prepared ad hoc was used as a data collection instrument, based on a Likert scale of 4 levels. The analysis of the data has been made using the statistical analysis software SPSS and AMOS. Among the results, the positive perception of the students on the incorporation of the mobile learning methodology in Primary Education is highlighted, as well as the adequacy in the use of emerging mobile technologies such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Finally, different implications and recommendations on the application of mobile devices in the classroom are discussed, including the generalization of these resources in the classroom, reticence that still exists on the part of some teachers and the improvement of student learning.
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