Knowledge and Attitudes towards Reasonable Accommodation for a Sample of the University Population of Río Piedras Campus at the University of Puerto Rico: A Descriptive Study




Reasonable accommodation, higher education, students with functional diversity, universal design, curricular design


This study aimed to explore the knowledge and attitudes about reasonable accommodation in the population of Río Piedras Campus at the University of Puerto Rico. The design of the research was a descriptive survey type, where 183 students or employees participated. Three instruments were used to explore sociodemographic data, knowledge about reasonable accommodation and attitudes. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages. The findings show a moderate level of knowledge and a favorable level of attitudes in the sample. However, they expressed the desire to receive more training on reasonable accommodation and the particular needs of the population with functional diversity. Finally, recommendations are made for curricular planning or services using universal design as a basis.

Author Biography

Lesley Odette Irizarry-Fonseca, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Académica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite

Knowledge and Attitudes towards Reasonable Accommodation for a Sample of the University Population of Río Piedras Campus at the University of Puerto Rico: A Descriptive Study (L. O. Irizarry-Fonseca , Trans.). (2020). Revista Electrónica Educare, 24(2), 1-21.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Knowledge and Attitudes towards Reasonable Accommodation for a Sample of the University Population of Río Piedras Campus at the University of Puerto Rico: A Descriptive Study (L. O. Irizarry-Fonseca , Trans.). (2020). Revista Electrónica Educare, 24(2), 1-21.

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