Prosocial Behavior in a Chilean School: An Intervention Based on Student’s Subjectivity




Subjective change, prosocial behaviour, students, adolescence, socioemotional education, subjective theories


This paper aims to describe and interpret the process of subjective change, based on an intervention aimed at the reconstruction of subjective theories of prosocial behavior, in secondary students of a subsidized private high school in Copiapó, Chile. Forty-five high school students participated in the intervention, and the effects of the intervention change were evaluated by using qualitative methodology. Episodic interviews and discussion groups were applied. Data was analysed through thematic coding. The results showed that there was a change in the structure and content of the subjective theories of students about prosocial behaviour, which was associated with greater functionality to behave prosocially. In the discussion, the subjective change produced was analysed. Likewise, the need to continue conducting studies aimed at enriching the intervention for the development of prosocial behaviour was highlighted.

Author Biographies

David Cuadra-Martínez, Universidad de Atacama

Psicólogo, Magíster en Psicología. Desde el año 2010 ha adjudicado proyectos de investigación científica (fondos nacionales) en el área de psicología de la educación y desde un enfoque cognitivo, estudiando la génesis, desarrollo y cambio de teorías subjetivas. Actualmente académico del Dpto. de Psicología, Universidad de Atacama, Chile.

Jorge Salgado-Roa, Universidad de Atacama

Psicólogo, Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Actualmente subdirector y académico del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Atacama, Chile. Participante activo como investigador responsable y co-investigador en   proyectos con financiamiento nacional en la línea de psicología de la educación y calidad de vida laboral en contextos organizacionales.


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How to Cite

Prosocial Behavior in a Chilean School: An Intervention Based on Student’s Subjectivity (D. Cuadra-Martínez & J. Salgado-Roa , Trans.). (2020). Revista Electrónica Educare, 24(2), 1-22.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Prosocial Behavior in a Chilean School: An Intervention Based on Student’s Subjectivity (D. Cuadra-Martínez & J. Salgado-Roa , Trans.). (2020). Revista Electrónica Educare, 24(2), 1-22.

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