Theatrical pedagogy and exploration of reality: an expressive approach that causes awareness in teacher training
Reality, observation, theatrical creation, critical study, pedagogical mediationAbstract
The creation and implementation of this premise emanate from the exploration and pedagogical reflection, around the pedagogical contributions of the expression and the theatrical creation in the pedagogical formation of teachers of primary education. As a pedagogical proposal, it is part of the training processes for the teaching career of the National University of Costa Rica and integrates themes from various disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, as well as different forms of scenic expression such as: theatre, pantomime, masks and expression through the body; oriented towards the achievement of experiential and integrative learning and the development of artistic, expressive and creative skills in the integral development of each person. Starting from a series of processes that involve observation, analysis and social interaction in different contexts; reality is recreated from a critical perspective, conceiving the everyday and the social context, as sources of information and at the same time expressive resources, which favor the construction of a vast range of knowledge through experiential experiences. Theatre pedagogy proposes an approach to theatrical expression and creation, conceived as triggers for the study, analysis and recreation of the broad spectrum of situations granted by reality. The application of these expressive resources in pedagogical mediation is addressed, considering the spatial and cultural particularities that characterize each observed context. Finally, a series of reflections is presented on the first achievements of the proposal, the impact on pedagogical training and on the performance of future pedagogues.
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