Educating with/from the Body: Culture, Body and Body Re-education
Teacher training, childhood, culture, body, body re-educationAbstract
This article invites reflection on body-mediated educational processes. It is based on teaching experiences in Ecuador with university students of early childhood education at the National University of Education. The aim was to include the body in educational actions, bring participants closer to the concept and experience of re-educating the body, for creating professional skills from a prevention and inclusion approach. The experiences are analyzed from the relationship between culture, body, and body re-education. Body techniques developed in the classroom allowed observation, listening, and verbal and non-verbal communication in the educational process, giving voice to the body of the participants. Besides, questionnaires were applied to diagnose, analyze, and evaluate the pedagogic experience. The results showed that using body techniques in the classroom allows students to innovate and include the body experience in their educational practices. This also helped to build autonomous work and teamwork skills, think about their educational practices and include the body in teaching-learning processes.
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