Transforming Reading Spaces. A Critical and Inclusive Perspective of Contemporary Reading Practices
Reading, literacy, inclusive, difference, democratization of education, social justiceAbstract
This paper examines reading as a political-cultural praxis, both as a condition of educational justice and the constitutive element of emancipatory citizenship. The analytical option presented seeks, on one hand, to critically reflect on the intellectual setbacks to which the trends in reading education and the construction of educational justice are associated with;, on the other hand, to demonstrate the crystallization forms of a field pinned down by fuzzy policies, so that a crucial aspect lies within exposing the ambiguity of the conceptual universe used in this field, whose repercussions offers false outputs. The study of reading as a cultural and social practice demands an ecology of knowledge, that is, the creation of intellectual systems that offer the possibility of ensuring viable alternatives to redistribute the right to education and reading, with justice and above all, according to what each person and social group requires. To promote any kind of transformation in the way rights areredistributed, we observe the need to repoliticize reading as a democratic condition,so that in public policies, instead of building conditions of justice, the patterns of institutional discrimination are diversified. The concept of reading citizenship reaffirms the need to consolidate an alternative cultural representation, that is, to provide the instruments that allow expediting a politicized cultural discussion about what we will understand as reading practice and its appropriation systems in the contemporary world.References
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