Meaning of Teaching and Formative Processes of Teachers in the Area of Health: The Beginning of Teaching
Area of health, formation, teacher formation, meaning, higher levelAbstract
Beyond the processes of training, updating, or schooling, the teachers of the health area begin their processes of the formation when they assume themselves as such; no longer just health professionals, but teaching professionals. In this sense, their formative processes as teachers are linked to the meaning they give to teaching. For the article to analyze their formative processes based on this, it explores the meanings that the professors of the Iztacala Higher Studies School of the National Autonomous University of Mexico give to teaching. This paper is a qualitative research design that included the participation of 38 teachers from the health and biology area; they answered two questions of a narrative type: What does it mean for me to be a teacher? How did I become a teacher? The answers are grouped into three categories concerning the meaning they give to teaching. The first category refers to its action on the students. The second one, to the commitment and responsibility implied in the teaching work. And the third one, to a feeling of pride and satisfaction of carrying out teaching tasks. Teachers who mean teaching in the second or third category have assumed themselves as such; for this reason, they are in a formative process, they seek to transform themselves continually in their teaching work. Teaching is no longer just a job; it is a way of life.
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