Analysis of Assessment Practices With Multiple Cases Methodology Related to International Learning Assessment Standards
Evaluation of learning, feedback, international evaluation standards, multiple casesAbstract
This article is the result of four case studies in Mexico and Colombia with students from the Learning Evaluation course (Gallardo Córdova, 2017) of an online postgraduate program in education. The study aimed to analyze the participants’ decisions based on the results of a diagnostic questionnaire on learning assessment practices. The students’ decisions relate to the preparation of materials or the change in practices to influence the conduct of the summative and formative evaluation. Eighteen teachers and management staff members participated in the four cases analyzed. The main results were to understand that, in most cases, decision making was more inclined to consolidate the theoretical aspects that sustain the practices, such as the definition of types of evaluation, integration of learning taxonomies, instrumentation, and feedback. Likewise, in terms of international standards stated by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE), especially those related to the Utility, Feasibility and Ethics were integrated into the decision making to educate and sensitize teachers. The complexity and the demand for the time required by the evaluation processes were confirmed, specifically those of a formative nature. It is concluded that the process carried out allows the participants to reflect on the evaluation practices for a continuous improvement.
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