Assessing Education Research Training: Scale Design and Validation
Education research, research-teaching relationship, training of researchers, measurement scale, evaluation instruments, competency evaluationAbstract
The article presents the results of a study whose purpose was the design and validation of a scale to evaluate education research training. The study was based on the Item Response Theory (IRT) mathematical model, with adaptation to Guttman’s cumulative scale. The levels of scientific research were considered to conduct the study in the following phases: 1) exploratory phase (content validity) by means of theoretical sampling, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups; 2) descriptive stage (construct validity) through the Delphi method; 3) analytical phase (consistency); 4) explanatory stage (R & R analysis) through the application of the scale in mention. Nineteen professors-researchers, five graduates of the degree program, and 26 students of research training participated in the study. Theoretical-contextual argumentation, classification of reagents in hierarchical conglomerates, concordance measures, internal consistency indices, and stability analysis allowed to establish the validation of the scale. The execution of the scale through constructs, reagents, and binary differential indicators provides a valuable approach to evaluating research training processes, taking into account the dimensions of knowledge, doing, and being. In essence, the study’s findings seek to contribute to strengthening education research around its assessment.
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