Content validity of an analytical rubric of the design of didactic sequences as an improvement of the pedagogical practice of the teaching team from the socioformation approach
Reliability, rubric, didactic sequences, socioformation, content validityAbstract
The educational context traditionally determines an administrative practice of planning and evaluation processes, in this sense, there is a lack of instruments to evaluate the design of didactic sequences with the challenge of granting knowledge that confront contextual problems; and make a teaching intervention with methodological bases for solving problems. The purpose of this study is to describe the design of a didactic sequence rubric for the improvement of pedagogical practice. The methodology was carried out through an instrumental study of content validity based on the socioformative approach with the following steps: 1) analysis of instruments at ends; 2) construction of a rubric with the focus of socioformation, 3) revision and improvement of the instrument by experts; 4) application of the instrument to a pilot group; and 5) validation of content by a group of judges in the educational area. The results with respect to the V of Aiken with a significance of p <0.05, show a value above 8.0. Some items whose level of significance was 0.71 were eliminated. The reliability analysis shows a value of Cronbach's alpha of 0.891, the Aiken and Cronbach coefficient methodologies applied, determined the content validity of the rubric. In conclusion, a pertinent instrument to evaluate the design of didactic sequences is presented, and the need to extend this study with an exploratory factor analysis that determines its construct validity is presented.
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