Pedagogical Mediation of Learning Parting from the Generating Question in Secondary Education. Project based Learning
Pedagogical mediation, project based learning, questions, question creation, generating questions, teaching skills, learning, high schoolAbstract
The models of pedagogical mediation intend to return protagonism to the individual in their learning processes, pulling them away from a passive and receiving role. Based upon this premise, the following work has the objective of developing and analyzing strategies from a standpoint of pedagogical mediation, in which the generating question is used as a key element in the learning process. Parting from this objective, the question of which are the pedagogical reaches that can be built, when the generating question comes from the student body. This query led the process applied during the first semester of the year 2019, with secondary school students, specifically of seventh and eighth grade, inside the Social Studies and Civic Education courses. This work was carried out in the district of Mata Redonda, canton of San José, Costa Rica.This investigation is of the pedagogical order, its based upon qualitative methodologies proper to the investigation-pedagogical action. It was built through participant observation, systematization of experiences and further reflection upon the didactic planning. The person who synthesizes this work is the teacher in charge of the aforementioned courses, therefore this is not an external investigation. The analysis present in the following pages includes examples of the activities of mediation developed with the work groups.
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