Psycho-Technical Study of a Digital Competence Assessment Tool for Problem-Solving Skills of Compulsory Education Students
Compulsory education students, competency assessment, digital competence, digital problem-solvingAbstract
Introduction. The assessment of students’ digital competence is essential as its results provide significant data to design and develop proposals for digital literacy instruments in the education system. Therefore, it is necessary to develop assessment procedures for individuals to overcome their self-limiting beliefs on digital competence and identify their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Method. This article presents the results of a study aimed to analyze the psychometric characteristics of a tool to assess the digital competence of Compulsory Education students in the problem-solving competence area. The results were obtained by a descriptive and transversal methodology and a sample composed of 595 students aged 12-14 from 17 educational centers. The data analysis focused on the validity and reliability of the instrument. Results and conclusion. The main conclusion is that we are faced with an efficient and reliable tool that allows us to identify the level of observed digital competence in the area mentioned above.
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