Evaluation of Two Modular Courses in the University of Costa Rica based on the Curricular Flexibility Conceptualization in Higher Education
Curricular flexibility, design, higher education, modular courses, teaching professionAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the development of the didactic units of Gestión de la vida silvestre y Problemas ambientales y soluciones sostenibles of the Baccalaureate Career in Gestión de Recursos Naturales of the Universidad de Costa Rica (Wildlife Management and Environmental Problems and Sustainable Solutions, of the bachelor’s degree program of Natural Resources Management at the University of Costa Rica—UCR), based on the conceptualization of curricular flexibility in this institution. Method: A qualitative research design was implemented with a hermeneutic phenomenological perspective. The population allowed understanding the environment and the problem with a non-probabilistic sample. The information was collected from the teachers of the courses, the enrolled students, and the documents related to the curricular flexibility in UCR regulations. The data collection techniques were documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the information was made from the hermeneutical triangulation. Results: curricular flexibility is not recognized from the university concept, and teachers and students do not identify the virtual mediation platform as official, and there is a positivist approach in teachers’ perspectives, but the study found a boost of the constructivist approach. Conclusions: curricular flexibility was born in the academic units themselves to implement flexible systems within didactic processes; this made it necessary to regulate the curricular flexibility after creating modular courses in the career. The University needs to disseminate its own trends or conceptions regarding flexibility, as well as a reflection or discussion on the scope of this within the pedagogical practice.
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