Design of an Indicator System for the Evaluation and Selection of Applications for People With Autistic Spectrum Disorder




Autism spectrum disorder, computer applications, educational indicators, educational technology, ICT, measuring instrument, special education


Objective: Information and communication technologies (ICT) provide people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with a wide range of possibilities for development. At the same time, there are numerous applications (apps) aimed at children with autism; so, this proposal aims to offer a list of validated indicators that analyze the strengths and weaknesses of these apps. Methodology: The exhaustive analysis of previous studies has allowed the creation of this instrument in relation to the design of the app, its content, and its pedagogical aspects. According to its clarity, coherence, relevance, and objectivity, the system of indicators was validated through an instrumental study of content validity, applying the method of expert and judges’ judgment. Results: A total of 12 judges scored each of the designed indicators and sub-indicators as good to excellent, with excellent Intraclass Correlation coefficients, significant and strong Kendall’s W inter-judge agreement, and high levels of internal consistency. It was found to be a valid and reliable instrument. Discussion: The positive results derived from the validation of the instrument have resulted in a system of indicators composed of desirable criteria for an app for people with ASD. ASD specialists and family members will have an intuitive tool for the selection of apps adapted to the needs of this group, covering different parameters. 

Author Biographies

Carmen del Pilar Gallardo-Montes, Universidad de Granada

PhD candidate in the Education Sciences Programme at the University of Granada. Master in Psychopedagogical Intervention by the UGR and Graduated in Pedagogy by the UGR. Member of the research group "Research in Educational Communication (ICE)" and the "Research Group in the Field of Disability (GICD)".

María Jesús Caurcel-Cara, Universidad de Granada

Contracted Professor Doctor. Department of Evolutionary and Educational Psychology, University of Granada, Spain. Member of the research group "Atención psicológica y educativa a la diversidad (HUM846)" and of the Mind, Brain and Behaviour Research Centre of the UGR. Researcher in national R+D+i and international projects.  

Antonio Rodríguez-Fuentes, Universidad de Granada

Professor of University. Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Granada, Spain. Member of the Research Group "Investigación en Comunicación Educativa (ICE)" and of the "Grupo de Investigación en el Campo de la Discapacidad (GICD). Researcher in national and international projects and reviewer of national and international journals.


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How to Cite

Design of an Indicator System for the Evaluation and Selection of Applications for People With Autistic Spectrum Disorder (C. del P. Gallardo-Montes, M. J. Caurcel-Cara, & A. Rodríguez-Fuentes , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(3), 1-24.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Design of an Indicator System for the Evaluation and Selection of Applications for People With Autistic Spectrum Disorder (C. del P. Gallardo-Montes, M. J. Caurcel-Cara, & A. Rodríguez-Fuentes , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(3), 1-24.

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