The Situation of Music Education Research in Mexico. Challenges, Reflections, and Proposals
Research in education, music education, tertiary education, research competencies, academic linkingAbstract
Introduction. Today’s world demands from higher education institutions to have researchers that generate new knowledge, promote its diffusion, and foster linking programs with society in order to stimulate changes and contribute to the solution of its problems. Goal. The goal of this literature review was to determine the current situation of music education research in Mexico. A systematic documentary search was conducted to achieve this goal. Thus, primary sources providing information on the subject were located in various databases, repositories of theses and dissertations, web pages, and texts. Method. The methodology used was the analysis of content, assisted by the software ATLAS TI 8.0, through which the gathered information was classified, structured, and analyzed; a general scheme was created, and conclusions were generated. Results indicate there have been some important achievements. However, the number of researchers in music education is very small; many of them are not fully qualified; there are no national journals specialized in that field of research; bibliography by national authors is limited, and academic meetings are scarce. Finally, the 2019 Registry of the National System of Researchers indicates only three Mexican scholars have that distinction. Conclusion. Despite the impact that music education can have on the individual, there is an important lag in this field of research. Therefore, the author proposes that higher education institutions implement continuing education programs for researchers to support their full qualification and develop strategies to bridge the gap between research and society.
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