The principle of Science Didactics. A Narrative Investigation




Science didactics, scientific education, narrative, scientific knowledge, scientific literacy


Objective. Teaching science has undergone considerable development, and, in this sense, the objective is to explain, otherwise if possible, the principles of the science, making use of the didactics, philosophy of science or, also, the narrative. Methodology. The methodology chosen was to know and understand what university teachers linked to this area of knowledge think, live, or feel about science and didactics. In this sense, the qualitative information inspired by the dialogue, the personal or social-educational life lessons explains and gives to understand, differently, counting on the own experience and subjectivity of the informant. Analysis of results. However, in relation to the analysis of results, it is essential to know how to interpret scientific knowledge in order to understand the world and not to become neo-excluded individuals from the 21st century. We present a didactic proposal of science in an integral way; that not to set abysmal gaps between science and humanities, because science itself is a human construction and not a product. And, for this reason, we raised the need for literacy and educate, scientifically, to the proactive and participatory citizenship in connection with life. Conclusion. We present the need to develop a model of scientific culture to grow as a person and generate knowledge close to the values (social and environmental), and away from instrumental or instruction. So, we stand for education and scientific knowledge that exceeds the transmissible model by another more comprehensive and quotidian one.

Author Biography

Víctor Amar-Rodríguez, Universidad de Cádiz

Doctor y profesor titular de universidad. Departamento de didáctica. Facultad de ciencias de la educación. Universidad de Cádiz. Director del grupo de investigación HUM 818 “Educación y Comunicación” -Educom- perteneciente el plan andaluz de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía. Director de la revista http sobre “Educación y Comunicación” ( Profesor tutor de la Universidad a distancia en Cádiz. Autor de más de quince libros sobre la temática de educación y comunicación. Profesor visitante de la Universidad Estadual de Bahía, Brasil. 


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How to Cite

The principle of Science Didactics. A Narrative Investigation (V. Amar-Rodríguez , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(3), 1-18.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

The principle of Science Didactics. A Narrative Investigation (V. Amar-Rodríguez , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(3), 1-18.

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