Gramsci y el proceso hegemónico educativo
Hermeneutic approach to one of Antonio Gramsci’s central thoughts: the construction of the hegemonic educational process. The essay points out that Gramsci’s thought is still valid for modern times, and in order to analyze the contributions of his thoughts to education as hegemony, the author explores the interrelationship between the concept of civil society and its dialectic interaction with the State (political society). Likewise, the complex, powerful and subtle forms adopted by the cultural and political hegemony fostered by the ruling class, are analyzed to consolidate an ideological consensus around its hegemonic project.
The third section explores some dimensions related to the State’s direct involvement in education, from the point of view of the processes that account for the historical link between the political and the educational elements. In order to explain the process, we resume Gramsci’s proposal in relation to the hegemony that is established in the civil society under the construction of a socio-cultural unity and analyse the concept of organic intellectual and its role in conforming social hegemony.
Fourth, we include an analysis of the historical link State-Education from the point of view of organic articulation between the structural basis and the ideological superstructure and, therefore, from the construction of an ideological system. Finally, there is an approximation to Gramsci’s vision on the education-hegemony link, pinpointing its meaning and actuality for the analysis of the role played by educational politics as a hegemonic process in civil society.
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