Human-Centered Design as a Creative Exploration Path in the Teaching-Learning of Audiovisual Undergraduate Students
Audiovisual creation, audiovisual didactic, creativity, design thinking, teaching strategy, human-centered design, university teachingAbstract
Objective. To determine the benefits of using Human-Centered Design (HCD) in audiovisual training, at the undergraduate level, in the case of students of the Audiovisual Genres and Formats subject. The students are enrolled in the third semester of the Audiovisual Communication program at the University of La Sabana (Colombia). Method. With a qualitative approach, this case study addresses the application of the HCD principles contained in the Design Thinking steps by the student body in the creation process of a cineminuto. During the period from 2018-2 to 2019-2, 177 students participate in the training. From data collection instruments such as participant observation and documentary and audiovisual reviews, resulting from each phase of the process, three categories were analyzed: creative confidence, creative problem solving, and knowledge acquired by students. Results. The application of HCD showed advances in student learning in the aspects studied, although it poses challenges in the field of teamwork. Conclusions. HCD is an effective way of presenting a path of exploration for audiovisual creation to students; it fosters creative security and improves the approach to narrative and technical problems through evaluating and prototyping their work. Therefore, it consolidates the knowledge acquired both in class and in phases of empathy (research).
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