Proposal for a Software-Based Learning Objective Verification Technique for Didactic Units
Curricular proposal, Distance education, Didactic unit, Learning objectivesAbstract
Objective. The study aims to propose a revision technique for verifying learning objectives in didactic units (UD), in contrast to the subject’s curricular proposal at the Distance State University of Costa Rica (UNED). Method. Based on a mixed approach, two main tools were used: a systematization of experiences and an expert focus group (11 women and 4 men) that was conducted to analyze the reliability and the proposed design. Analysis of results. The main finding was the validation of a revision technique that supports the didactic unit production process. This revision technique is a six-step process that involves, among others, an evaluation rubric and indicators that deliver the final result as a percentage of the verification of the course’s development of its learning objectives within a didactic unit. Conclusion. Implementing the Microsoft® Office Excel software helps transform what is usually a manual process into a semi-automated form. This provides a partial or total verification of the learning objectives developed in the UD and contributes to the standardization of the current processes.
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