Design and Validation of the Competencial Motivational Relevance Scale of Science Textbooks




Scale validation, motivation, skill, textbook


Introduction. The situation of lack of motivation in scientific education is increasingly worrying. Many and varied investigations have tried, under the approach of the Theory of Self-Determination, to approach a better understanding of motivation by studying different contextual variables. Among these variables, the textbook is an especially relevant element, given its important presence in the classrooms and its, in principle, competence character that, supposedly, makes them a motivating resource. Objetive. Therefore, it has been intended to design and validate a scale to measure the relevance of the science textbook, from this motivational competence perspective, for students aged between 10 and 14 years. Method. The design was made taking as reference the existing theoretical framework and for its validation a quantitative methodology has been used, using a survey technique. Results. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed the existence of a single factor, achieving adequate adjustment rates. Likewise, the instrument showed adequate internal consistency, temporal stability, composite reliability and convergent validity. Finally, the positive and significant correlations obtained with the educational motivations, as well as the inverse with the amotivación, evidenced the validity of the instrument externally. Conclusions. Consequently, it was concluded that the scale was valid and reliable.

Author Biographies

Raquel Romero-Fernández, Universidad de Huelva

Doctor in Research in Teaching and Learning of Experimental, Social and Mathematical Sciences, Bachelor of Marine Sciences, Master in Compulsory Secondary Education. Professor of the Department of Integrated Didactics of the University of Huelva, in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences. Member of the research group Initial Training and Professional Development of Teachers (HUM168).

María de los Ángeles De las Heras-Pérez, Universidad de Huelva

Doctor from the University of Huelva, Degree in Biology. Professor of the Department of Integrated Didactics of the University of Huelva, in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences. It belongs to the editorial board of the magazine of Environmental Education and Sustainability, REAyS.

Pedro Sáenz-López-Buñuel, Universidad de Huelva

Professor at the University of Huelva in the Department of Integrated Didactics. Degree in Physical Education at the University of Granada. Doctor of Philosophy and Education Sciences at the University of Seville. Director of the Magazine and the EMOTION research group.

Eduardo José Fernández-Ozcorta, Centro de Estudios Universitarios Cardenal Spínola

Doctor of Physical and Sports Education, Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports, as well as a Master in Physical Education. Teacher at the Center for University Studies Cardenal Spínola CEU. Belonging to the Onubense Education, Motor and Research Research Group (HUM-643). Member of the Editorial Board of the E-motion magazine.


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How to Cite

Design and Validation of the Competencial Motivational Relevance Scale of Science Textbooks (R. Romero-Fernández, M. de los Ángeles De las Heras-Pérez, P. Sáenz-López-Buñuel, & E. J. Fernández-Ozcorta , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(2), 1-19.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Design and Validation of the Competencial Motivational Relevance Scale of Science Textbooks (R. Romero-Fernández, M. de los Ángeles De las Heras-Pérez, P. Sáenz-López-Buñuel, & E. J. Fernández-Ozcorta , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(2), 1-19.

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