Creatividad y desarrollo cognoscitivo (Un enfoque vigotskyano)


  • Beatriz Badilla-Baltodano



creativity, Vigotsky, Lev Semyónovich, cognitive development


Development of creativity in university classrooms is of great need in present times, when theoretical knowledge is only part of the formation that a future professional must have. University teachers must be aware that creativity can be fomented and stimulated during college education, therefore, it is an important part of his/her role as an educator. In the present work, development of creativity is explained, based on the schemes established by Vigotsky, Lev Semyónovich who has established the foundations for developing these abilities.

Author Biography

Beatriz Badilla-Baltodano


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How to Cite

Creatividad y desarrollo cognoscitivo (Un enfoque vigotskyano) (B. Badilla-Baltodano , Trans.). (2007). Revista Electrónica Educare, 11(2), 81-88.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Creatividad y desarrollo cognoscitivo (Un enfoque vigotskyano) (B. Badilla-Baltodano , Trans.). (2007). Revista Electrónica Educare, 11(2), 81-88.

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