Level of Satisfaction in High School Students With the Use of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in the Classroom
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, High School, Student Satifaction, ICT, Active learningAbstract
Objective. This paper aims to evaluate the level of satisfaction of high school students when using collaborative learning methodologies through ICT or CSCL for their teaching-learning process. Method. Regarding the methodology, 117 Dominican Republic students were selected from five different secondary school grades; these students had developed a three-month collaborative project. A quasi-experimental quantitative design was adopted. The instrument applied to collect the data consisted of a 20-question rubric, with Likert-type scales from 1 to 7. For the data analysis, non-parametric tests of U from Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis were used depending on the case. Results. The results show a high degree of student satisfaction when using the mentioned learning methodologies, with significant differences depending on the type of studies and gender. Conclusion. In conclusion, the importance of the role of teaching and the design of authentic tasks to increase student satisfaction is highlighted.
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