Abordaje de los procesos de lectura y escritura en una escuela: propuesta pedagógica en y para la diversidad
Preschool education, diversity, Reading and writing processesAbstract
This article is the product of research designed to develop abilities and skills required to acquire reading and writing processes. It starts from the linguistic background of the child, trying to develop superior levels from the perspective of education for the diversity.
The literature review showed the significance of a perspective “in and for the diversity” in the development of reading and writing processes, by understanding multiple characteristics of pre-schooled children implicated in the construction of different abilities and skills. Considering diversity allows social changes, consequently, school curriculum for the diversity provides real access for students, as well as flexibility. Additionally, children are taught to value diversity as way of enhance interpersonal coexistence.
Five workshops are proposed to develop reading and writing abilities, taking into account the value of diverse interactions.
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