Experience and University Praxis in the Evaluation of Students with Hearing Disabilities
Curricular challenges, evaluation, hearing disabilities, higher educationAbstract
Introduction. The pedagogical practice in current education involves facing challenges that improve the learning process of its actors in the levels and modalities of the Venezuelan educational system. The constant transformation to guarantee the educational quality, the legal framework that supports such efforts, and the personal and professional improvement of the teachers responsible for the educational event give an account of the profound reflection that decant in the innovation in attention to diversity in the social reality. Objective. From this process of reflection and contrast with experience, this field research, with a non-experimental and descriptive design, aimed to analyze the evaluation process of people with hearing disabilities of the Libertador Pedagogical Experimental University, Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara Pedagogical Institute, Maracay, Venezuela. Methodology. For this purpose and during three (3) academic periods, the experience of four (4) deaf students from the Special Education specialty in Auditory Deficiencies is reported, based on the interviews conducted, the descriptive analysis of the process, and the developed academic activities. Conclusion. With the information obtained and the respective qualitative and quantitative analysis, in conclusion, it was established that the main difficulties in the evaluation process of the students were the following: the teachers do not communicate in sign language, the interpretation of the class material is absent, the interpreter is absent during the hours of class, there is a lack of adequacy of the techniques and instruments used to assess learning and mastery of knowledge aimed at these students, and school absenteeism is a problem present.
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