Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Learning Methodology Preferences
Learning methodologies, sociodemographic factors, family typology, meaningful learningAbstract
Objective. This work aims to identify the sociodemographic factors influencing the learning methodology preferences of students enrolled in a Childhood Education Bachelor’s Degree program at a University in Medellín, Colombia. Methodology. A quantitative approach study was conducted with a sample of 160 students. The results obtained were associated according to the Chi-square statistical test with a significance level of less than 5%. Analysis of results. Four learning methodologies were identified in the students. They still remember these methodologies either because of lessons learned or because of the routine of different classes at the university. From the 13 variables considered, the study found that the family typology is directly associated with the learning methodology that students prefer to achieve meaningful learning; many studies have linked these two variables, but they do not include other studies conducted for students at the university level. Conclusions. It is suggested to carry out a study that can show the relation of the family factor and other sociodemographic factors with choosing the type of study. This can consider various factors from the family background to the academic development before starting university studies.
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