Learning Styles, Gender and Academic Performance in Students in the Fundamentals of Economics Course
Learning styles, CHAEA, academic performance, students, probit modelsAbstract
Objective. This article aimed to analyze the relationship between learning styles, gender, and students’ academic performance in the Fundamentals of Economics course at the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (UTB). Methodology. The study used a quantitative approach with a descriptive-correlational research design. It administered the Honey-Alonso Learning Style Questionnaire (CHAEA) to 166 students. The data was processed with the Stata (version 13.0) statistical package for Windows. Two models were designed and applied to establish correlations and probability: a linear probability model and a probabilistic probit model. Results. Statistical significance is evident at 10% with respect to the preferences of active and reflective styles. Similarly, there is a possible association between the preference for reflective style and the increased chances for students to pass the course. Conversely, the probability of passing the course is lower when the preference is for the active style. Conclusion: The study evidenced the relationship between gender and pragmatic learning style. It also showed that students with preferences for the reflective learning style have a higher probability of improving their academic performance in the Fundamentals of Economics course. In addition, those who prefer the active learning style are less likely to enhance their academic performance.
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