Hyperspecialization and Imagenology: Perceptions and Reflections of Working and Academic Worlds
Specialist, medical profession, medical technology, perceptionAbstract
Objective. This research aimed to analyze the student, academic, and professional perception of the hyperspecialization in imaging in Chile and its possible threat/opportunity in undergraduate training. Method. This is a qualitative approach study of an exploratory type with descriptive elements. The study subjects were ninety-five people between professionals and students. The study conducted a semi-structured interview, and established macro-categories, whose data were recorded using a textuality matrix and qualitative frequencies of own elaboration. Results. 64% of the interviewees do not know the concept of hyperspecialization in imaging, versus 36% of those who know it. However, once this concept was explained, 56% of the interviewed group was considered hyperspecialized in some area of professional performance, versus 44% who was not. Conclusion. The study found a perception of closure of the imaging discipline towards other disciplines; this discipline must be work-related to other areas of knowledge. However, the interviews revealed that the optimism and acceptance environment of the disciplinary bonding phenomenon stands out; the interviewed group perceives a better bond between the educational and working worlds.
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