Cooperative Learning: Reflections for Implementation in Inclusive Classrooms
cooperative learning, inclusive education, didactics, initial teacher educationAbstract
Purpose. This essay aims to reflect on the concept of cooperative learning (CL) as a response to inclusive education in schools. Discussion. From this perspective, this study recognizes inclusion as an educational process that guarantees the human right of children and young people to be educated, regardless of their individual, sociocultural, identitary, religious, ethnic, and educational differences. In the same way, it focuses on the concept of inclusive education from its dilemmatic character –that is, adequate to the diversity of the student body– and located in common and inclusive structures in the system, school, and classroom. In this line, although the need to train practicing teaching staff at this point is evident, it is worth asking about the teacher training programs that should guide their instruction toward the skills, knowledge, and attitudes, both disciplinary and pedagogical, of their students, and along with it, toward inclusive education. Conclusion. The essay concludes that training institutions can find in the CL a didactic opportunity that introduces teaching practices and, therefore, tools to face the challenges presented by inclusive classrooms.
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