Environmental Awareness and Climate Change: A Study with Pre-service Primary Teachers
Content analysis, climate change, environmental awareness, educational intervention, pre-service primary teachersAbstract
Introduction. There is a broad consensus when recognizing the important role that education plays as an engine of change and social transformation, as well as in the development of a critical and committed citizenry. In this framework, the fight against global problems such as climate change requires efficient transversal, systemic, and affective-cognitive tools. Objective. The present study addresses this question in the context of initial training of pre-service primary school teachers that has, as a backbone, environmental awareness and looks for research-based evidence. Method. A teaching experiment has been implemented and studied through a qualitative approach and by means of a content analysis technique supported by software. Conclusions. The data describe changes in the participants’ environmental awareness that allow identifying opportunities to contribute to generating environmentally responsible behavior in future teaching work of pre-service primary teachers.
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