Implementing the Methodological Script as a University Curricular Experience for the Development of Teamwork Competence
Methodological script, teamwork competence, initial teacher training, dialogic learningAbstract
Aim. Cooperative competence is considered a key in the teaching profession, which is why this work evaluated its promotion from the perception of students and teachers in the context of initial training. Method. For this, a curricular proposal was designed from the action research perspective in the classroom, from the methodological script of the pedagogical space of learning psychology, and from an evaluative perspective analyzing initial, procedural, and final phases. The instruments used were a closed questionnaire to assess the students’ training needs, a researcher’s journal to record the reflections of the teaching team, and a semi-structured interview applied to students. The participants were 47 students 3 teachers. Results. The results indicate that, for the students, the training experience implemented favored the reconstruction of meanings, experiences, and understandings of cooperative work in the context of the profession and, from the teachers’ perception, allowed new spaces for reflection and integration of the theory and practice. Conclusion. The curricular experience implemented in a dialogical and cooperative context allowed understanding that cooperative competence is not an end in itself but rather favors the construction of teaching identity.
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