Componentes teóricos para la comprensión de la pedagogía intercultural como práctica docente
interculturalism, human rights, xenophobia, multicultural education, intercultural pedagogy, intercultural challengesAbstract
Nowadays, a topic that arises in the educational domain as an answer to the demands of an increasingly diverse society which also demands processes of inclusion is, without a doubt, the concept of interculturalism. There are several conceptual approaches that are far from creating a pedagogy of interculturalism, specially when interculturalism is valued as a philosophy, which requires the development of a new teacher who is not only capable of recycling him/herself but who is also aware of the paradigmatic changes that interculturalism demands.
The article presents an approach to the theoretical components for the understanding of intercultural pedagogy as an educational practice. It begins with a brief presentation of the current educational system, followed by the interpretation of human rights as a fundamental issue of human diversity, and certain approaches and clarification models for interculturalism in elementary school. Finally, the article briefly discusses some of teacher’s intercultural competencies in the face of such diversity.
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