The Network Management Model for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care in Costa Rica: A View From its Actors
Early childhood care systems, intersectoral articulation, network management models, comprehensive childhood care, networkingAbstract
This study analyzes the results of a survey carried out among professional coordinators of intersectoral care networks within the framework of the Sistema de Atención Integral e Intersectorial del Desarrollo de Niñas y Niños (SAIID) in Costa Rica. The objective of the survey was to characterize the Costa Rican experience of the network management model from the perspective of its actors. The methodology used has a quantitative approach and reports an exploratory study of non-experimental design. The information was collected through an online questionnaire applying the convenience sampling criterion. The instrument was applied to 43 coordinators of regional and local networks participating in the SAIID initiative. The results show that SAIID’s networking experience has been based on a more flexible intersectoral management model in relation to other traditional, centralist, and vertical models. Participants reported that this model strengthened the development of their leadership skills at all levels. Given the variety of state entities involved, the management processes involved planning efforts and permanent evaluation, supported by care protocols and different tools for the assessment and intersectoral monitoring of childhood development. It is concluded that a management model that is committed to interdisciplinary participation and continuous training of those who are part of the system is a sustainable model that responds to the calls of the national and international community for the care and education of children.
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