The Flipped Classroom, an Effective Methodology in the Construction of Knowledge in the Field of Differential Calculus




Active methodology, flipped classroom, knowledge building, learning, differential calculus


Objective. To disseminate the results of an educational research experience conducted at UTE University. Two groups of first-level students from the Differential Calculus course in the Mechatronics degree program participated in this experience. Methodology. The flipped classroom was the methodology implemented in two groups of different parallel classes, one was experimental and the other one for control, alternating in each of the three partial exams and comparing results in academic performance, participation level, responsibility, and attitude towards work at the end of each partial exam. Results. The results obtained revealed the impact of the application of the flipped classroom methodology in the construction of knowledge compared to traditional methodology in the field of teaching differential calculus, obtaining better performance when using the flipped classroom methodology. Conclusions. The benefits of applying this methodology aid in transforming traditional teaching into active, participatory, conscious, and committed teaching, particularly within the field of teaching differential calculus.

Author Biographies

Luis Alberto Puga-Peña, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación Especialidad Matemática y Física de la Universidad Central del Ecuador y  Magister en Docencia Matemática de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, en 1991 y el año 2010, respectivamente.

Luis Gerardo Cabrera-Maya, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Economista de la Universidad Central del Ecuador y Magíster en Gerencia Empresarial, mención Gestión de Proyectos de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional en Quito, Ecuador.

Juan Paúl Coronel-Feijoo, Profesional independiente

Ingeniero en Administración de Procesos en la facultad de Ciencias de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Especialista en Multimedia y Magíster en Sistemas Informáticos Educativos por la Universidad Israel, Quito, Ecuador.

Pablo Velarde, Universidad UTE

Ingeniero en electrónica y control de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional en Quito, Máster y Ph. D. en Automatización, Robótica y Telemática de la Universidad de Sevilla, España.


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How to Cite

The Flipped Classroom, an Effective Methodology in the Construction of Knowledge in the Field of Differential Calculus (L. A. Puga-Peña, L. G. Cabrera-Maya, J. P. Coronel-Feijoo, & P. Velarde , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(2), 1-18.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

The Flipped Classroom, an Effective Methodology in the Construction of Knowledge in the Field of Differential Calculus (L. A. Puga-Peña, L. G. Cabrera-Maya, J. P. Coronel-Feijoo, & P. Velarde , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(2), 1-18.

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