Teachers’ Experience in Times of Pandemic with Students with Educational Challenges: Challenges in Returning to Face-To-Face Education with an Inclusive Approach in Medellín, Colombia





Adaptation teacher, learning, remote education, students with educational challenges, inclusive education


Objective. This article aims to analyze how 63 primary education teachers who have worked on the inclusion process with students presenting educational challenges in the visual (image processing), cognitive (concrete action processing), and communicative (viso-gestural processing for Colombian Sign Language-LSC users) fields in Medellín, assumed home education during the 2020-2021 pandemic. Method. This qualitative research work with an interpretive approach utilized the focus group technique, organizing the teachers into three groups based on the students’ educational challenges: visual, cognitive, and communicative. The analysis focused on the teachers’ approach to home education, the strategies they used, and their decision-making processes in terms of orienting learning, considering the challenges that this group of students faces in their learning styles. Data were analyzed using selective open coding and axial coding. Results. The results were grouped into six moments of home education through which the teachers passed, which were disorientation, forced landing, adaptation, cooperation, expansion, and return. Each moment had its characteristics, successes, and failures during the experience. Conclusions. The teachers’ experience during the pandemic was closest to remote education rather than home education, characterized by mistakes influenced by low knowledge in cognitive accessibility and the use of ICT platforms, orientation to families lacking or with low accessibility in connectivity, and successes in collaborative networking among teachers and the academic community to discuss teaching and evaluation practices in inclusive education. The findings in each moment experienced by the teachers during the pandemic were used to project the challenges in education with the students that focus on challenges at the socioemotional level, in learning, teaching, family support, and teacher training in the return to face-to-face education.

Author Biographies

Jorge Iván Correa-Alzate, Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria

Doctor en Humanidades y Artes, Mención en Ciencias de la Educación. Docente – investigador. Profesor de Maestría y Doctorado, director del grupo de investigación Senderos e investigador de la línea pluralidades del Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria, integrante de redes en educación inclusiva y discapacidad. Consultor y par académico nacional e internacional. Publicaciones en discapacidad y educación inclusiva.

Juan Pablo Suárez-Vallejo, Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria

Magister en Educación y Licenciado en geografía e historia, Candidato a Doctor en educación. Docente de pregrado y maestría, investigador en la línea pluralidades, integrante de redes en educación inclusiva y formación de maestros. Participante en la construcción en políticas públicas en discapacidad. Publicaciones en discapacidad, vulnerabilidad y educación inclusiva.

Nataly Restrepo-Restrepo, Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Docente de pregrado, maestría y doctorado, investigadora en la línea infancias y pluralidades, integrante de redes en educación infantil, inclusión y género. Consultora nacional en temas de infancia y participante en la construcción en políticas públicas en infancia. Publicaciones en educación infantil, discapacidad y educación inclusiva. 


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How to Cite

Teachers’ Experience in Times of Pandemic with Students with Educational Challenges: Challenges in Returning to Face-To-Face Education with an Inclusive Approach in Medellín, Colombia (J. I. Correa-Alzate, J. P. Suárez-Vallejo, & N. Restrepo-Restrepo , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(2), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.27-2.15856



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Teachers’ Experience in Times of Pandemic with Students with Educational Challenges: Challenges in Returning to Face-To-Face Education with an Inclusive Approach in Medellín, Colombia (J. I. Correa-Alzate, J. P. Suárez-Vallejo, & N. Restrepo-Restrepo , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(2), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.27-2.15856

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