The Role of Teachers in Adolescence: An Interdisciplinary Approach to School Conflict using Game Theory
School conflict, game theory, emotions, adolescents, professorAbstract
Introduction. Conflict and emotions are present in all social environments, including educational institutions. Emotions play a vital role in the learning process as they provide a system of motives that can either strengthen or weaken academic perception and understanding. Objective. To expose the role of emotions in school conflicts that arise on Facebook among adolescents. Additionally, the study emphasizes the involvement of teachers in the conflict resolution process and their different acting roles. Method. From an interdisciplinary perspective, this study analyzes a representative case of conflict and possible solutions using game theory, specifically in the prisoner’s dilemma and coordination games. Results. The study demonstrates that the teacher’s level of emotional intelligence and acting role in utilizing the available information from the students involved in the conflict is relevant to successfully manage such confrontation in the classroom. If the teacher acts as a bystander, regardless of their level of emotional intelligence, this could lead to high costs on their reputation as a teacher and undermine the safe learning environment in the classroom. Discussion. By understanding the emotional aspects that adolescents experience, teachers can become good coaches, generating confidence among students, helping them acquire personal skills through dialogue, and maintaining a relevant focal point: the healthy environment that favors learning.
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