Human Being-Nature Connection: An Alternative Educational Experience in the “Dream Factory,” Manizales, Colombia




Learning by experience, awareness, educational investigation, perception, values


Aim. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of alternative education in the La Fábrica de Sueños (Dream Factory) project. The project aimed at the reforestation of consciousness and the cultural transformation in seven-year-old children from educational institutions for the care of nature and coexistence. Methodology. The methodology focuses on the systematization of an experience that parents, teaching staff, and children lived. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, stories, and drawings; it was analyzed with the Atlas ti program based on qualitative research and categorical analysis. Coincidences, relationships, and correlations were established through the central category of reforestation of awareness and the following five axial categories: personal empowerment, human being, self-awareness, coexistence, and relationship with nature. These five categories emerged from experiences and educational commitments, focused on ethics and pedagogy. Results. It was found that the applied experiential approach, especially the contact with nature and art, sensitizes toward new learning from the stimulation of creativity and imagination that are motors for children’s free expression and narration. The Dream Factory project contributes to comprehensive training and leads to the children’s awakening in coexistence with their social and natural environment. The experience strengthens the development of creative, critical, and reflective thinking that starts from the empowerment and understanding of children’s vital space.

Author Biographies

Irma Soto-Vallejo, Universidad de Manizales

Economist from the Cooperative University of Colombia and public administrator from the Higher School of Public Administration, specialist in public investment projects from the University of Antioquia, master's degree in economic sciences from the National University of Colombia. Dean of the Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Manizales

Gloria Clemencia Amaya-Castaño, Universidad de Manizales

Veterinary and zootechnician from the University of Caldas, Master in biodiversity and conservation biology from the Pablo de Olavide University in Spain. Teacher and researcher within the Master's program in Environment and Development and researcher at the Center for Research on Environment and Development of the University of Manizales

Marleny Cardona-Acevedo, Universidad de Manizales

Economist (University of Antioquia), specializing in urban and regional planning (National University of Colombia), PhD in social sciences (Colegio, Frontera Norte), PhD. in social sciences, childhood and youth (University of Manizales), PhD in Problems of childhood and youth in Latin America in Latin America (Latin American Council of Social Sciences). Professor of the master's degrees in Human Talent Management and Marketing at the University of Manizales.

Oscar Alfredo Rodríguez-Tubaduiza, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Bachelor of Basic Education, emphasis in social sciences from the National Pedagogical University, Master in Latin American Philosophy from the University of Santo Tomás, Doctoral Candidate in Historical Sciences from the University of Havana. Research professor of the Master in Peace, Development and Citizenship of UNIMINUTO Virtual y a Distancia (UVD).


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How to Cite

Human Being-Nature Connection: An Alternative Educational Experience in the “Dream Factory,” Manizales, Colombia (I. Soto-Vallejo, G. C. Amaya-Castaño, M. Cardona-Acevedo, & O. A. Rodríguez-Tubaduiza , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(3), 1-21.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Human Being-Nature Connection: An Alternative Educational Experience in the “Dream Factory,” Manizales, Colombia (I. Soto-Vallejo, G. C. Amaya-Castaño, M. Cardona-Acevedo, & O. A. Rodríguez-Tubaduiza , Trans.). (2023). Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(3), 1-21.

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