Emotional Education in Vulnerable Contexts. An Emotion- and Art-Based Intervention in a Primary School
Emotional education, art education, primary education, education in vulnerable contextsAbstract
Objective. This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of an intervention based on Emotional Intelligence (EI) and the arts. Method. A didactic program was conducted to develop EI with 55 Primary Education students, ranging from 8 to 12 years old. The program focused on artistic and musical activities. The participants belonged to a school with high rates of marginality and social exclusion. The data were collected through a pretest, a post-test, and a deferred post-test, with the TMMS24-Questionnaire, to assess EI in three dimensions: attention, clarity, and emotional repair. Results. After data collection, the study analyzed the students’ performance in the emotional dimensions; it found significant improvements in most of the dimensions studied. Conclusions. The main results show the usefulness of these programs in improving the EI of students in disadvantaged environments.
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