Using the Flipped Classroom Strategy to Enhance the Precalculus Skills of Tenth Grade Students in the Guanacaste Scientific College MATEM-UCR Project
Flipped classroom, Precalculus, action research, Virtual environmentAbstract
Objective. The study explores the application of the flipped classroom strategy in virtual environments to enhance the understanding of Precalculus within the MATEM-UCR Project. The aim is to provide an alternative method that reduces self-learning times and systematize class sessions for incoming tenth-grade students at the Costa Rican Scientific High School, Guanacaste campus. Methodology. The study employs an action research approach in four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. This approach helps the researcher assume an active role in the process of constructing and discerning various didactic tools in collaboration with students. Results. The findings highlight the promotion of students’ active role in the virtual environment, fostering interaction, information exchange between peers, evaluation processes, and critical co-evaluation, without overlooking the students’ active participation in their own learning process.
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